Monitor Apps

Monitor apps extend node-monitor, adding customized monitors and dashboard views for your application. Monitor apps can be included in your own Node.js application, or packaged separately for installation by npm.


Data probes are installed into (or close to) the systems being monitored. Similar in concept to JMX beans in the Java world, probes are simply JavaScript data models describing the system being monitored.

Built as Backbone.js data models, probes are easy to write. Just add data elements when initialized, and set them as they change. Probes are activated only while being monitored, and changes are forwarded to monitors in real time using push.


Views are client-side components placed into the dashboard to visualize probes.

When installed, views appear in the New Component screen, and can be added to any dashboard. They come with a standard settings screen that is often extended to offer fine grained configuration.

Views can also pass user input on to probes having remote control functionality, turning your dashboards into control panels.

Built as Backbone.js view objects, creating custom views is straight forward with many exaples to copy from.

Pages & Tours

Monitor apps can also contain pre-built dashboards (pages) and tours.

Pages delivered with your application are shown in the sidebar under the "App Pages" menu, and tours delivered with your application are shown in the "App Tours" menu.

Packaging your Application

Node Monitor apps are packaged and delivered using the standard package.json file and NPM.

If you are building a monitor for an existing application (say, 'myapp'), the convention for naming your monitor app is 'myapp-monitor'.

If your monitor app has probes they must be loaded by the host application, usually by requesting the host application to require('myapp-monitor') in their application startup.

Views included in your monitor app are automatically discovered by the dashboard. The monitor app must be in the Node.js require path of the dashboard, and your package.json file must have a dependency on monitor-dashboard for it to be discovered.