// Probe.js (c) 2010-2014 Loren West and other contributors
// May be freely distributed under the MIT license.
// For further details and documentation:
// http://lorenwest.github.com/node-monitor
// Module loading
var Monitor = root.Monitor || require('./Monitor'),
log = Monitor.getLogger('Probe'),
stat = Monitor.getStatLogger('Probe'),
Cron = Monitor.Cron, _ = Monitor._, Backbone = Monitor.Backbone;
* A software device used to expose real time data to monitors
* This is the base class from which all probe implementations extend.
* In order to send probe data to monitors, probe implementations simply set
* their model data using ```set()```. Those changes are detected and propagated
* to all monitors of this probe, firing their change events.
* In order to allow remote probe control, probes need only provide a method
* called ```{name}_control()```. See the ```ping_control()``` method as an example,
* and the ```Probe.onControl()``` method for more information.
* @class Probe
* @extends Backbone.Model
* @constructor
* @param model - Initial data model. Can be a JS object or another Model.
* @param model.id {String} The probe id.
* Assigned by the <a href="Router.html">Router</a> on probe instantiation.
var Probe = Monitor.Probe = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: null
* Initialize the probe
* This is called on the probe during construction. It contains
* the probe initialization attributes and an option to make probe
* construction asynchronous.
* Probe implementations can defer the initial response to the monitor until
* the initial state is loaded. This allows the callback on
* <a href="Monitor.html#method_connect">```Monitor.connect()```</a>
* to have the complete initial state of the probe when called.
* If the initial probe state cannot be determined in ```initialize```, it should
* set the ```options.asyncInit``` option to ```true```, and call the
* ```options.callback(error)``` once the initial state is determined.
* // Asynchronous initialization
* options.asyncInit = true;
* var callback = options.callback
* If ```asyncInit``` is set to true, the ```callback``` must be called once
* the initial state of the probe is known (or in an error condition).
* // Set the initial state, and call the callback
* this.set(...);
* callback(null);
* See the <a href="../files/lib_probes_FileProbe.js.html#l47">```initialize```</a>
* method of the <a href="FileProbe.html">FileProbe</a> probe for an example. It defers
* returning the probe to the monitor until the initial file contents are loaded.
* @method initialize
* @param attributes {Object} Initial probe attributes sent in from the Monitor
* @param options {Object} Initialization options
* @param options.asyncInit {boolean} Set this to TRUE if the initial probe
* state can't be known immediately.
* @param options.callback {function(error)} The callback to call
* if asyncInit is set to true. If an error is passed, the probe
* will not be used.
initialize: function(attributes, options) {
var t = this;
log.info('init', t.toJSON(), options);
* Release any resources consumed by this probe.
* This can be implemented by derived classes that need to be informed when
* they are to be shut down.
* Probes that listen to events should use this method to remove their
* event listeners.
* @method release
release: function(){
var t = this;
log.info('release', t.toJSON());
* Dispatch a control message to the appropriate control function.
* This is called when the
* <a href="Monitor.html#method_control">```control()```</a>
* method of a monitor is called.
* The name determines the method name called on the probe.
* The probe must implement a method with the name ```{name}_control()```,
* and that method must accept two parameters - an input params and a callback.
* The callback must be called, passing an optional error and response object.
* For example, if the probe supports a control with the name ```go```, then
* all it needs to do is implement the ```go_control()``` method with the
* proper signature. See ```ping_control()``` for an example.
* @method onControl
* @param name {String} Name of the control message.
* @param [params] {Any} Input parameters specific to the control message.
* @param [callback] {Function(error, response)} Called to send the message (or error) response.
* <ul>
* <li>error (Any) An object describing an error (null if no errors)</li>
* <li>response (Any) Response parameters specific to the control message.
* </ul>
onControl: function(name, params, callback) {
var t = this,
controlFn = t[name + '_control'],
startTime = Date.now(),
logId = 'onControl.' + t.probeClass + '.' + name;
params = params || {};
callback = callback || function(){};
log.info(logId, t.get('id'), params);
if (!controlFn) {
errMsg = 'No control function: ' + name;
log.error(logId, errMsg);
return callback({msg: errMsg});
var whenDone = function(error) {
if (error) {
log.error(logId, error);
return callback(error);
var duration = Date.now() - startTime;
log.info(logId, params);
stat.time(t.logId, duration);
callback.apply(null, arguments);
try {
controlFn.call(t, params, whenDone);
} catch (e) {
errMsg = 'Error calling control: ' + t.probeClass + ':' + name;
whenDone({msg:errMsg, err: e.toString()});
* Respond to a ping control sent from a monitor
* @method ping_control
* @param params {Object} Input parameters (not used)
* @param callback {Function(error, response)} Called to send the message (or error) response.
* <ul>
* <li>error (Any) An object describing an error</li>
* <li>response (String) The string 'pong' is returned as the response</li>
* </ul>
ping_control: function(params, callback) {
return callback(null, 'pong');
// Register probe classes when loaded
Probe.classes = {}; // key = name, data = class definition
Probe.extend = function(params) {
var t = this, probeClass = Backbone.Model.extend.apply(t, arguments);
if (params.probeClass) {Probe.classes[params.probeClass] = probeClass;}
return probeClass;
* Constructor for a list of Probe objects
* var myList = new Probe.List(initialElements);
* @static
* @method List
* @param [items] {Array} Initial list items. These can be raw JS objects or Probe data model objects.
* @return {Backbone.Collection} Collection of Probe data model objects
Probe.List = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Probe});